Time doesn’t flow

Time doesn’t flow

시간은 흐르지 않는다_냉동고, 얼음, 목재 좌대, 수반_가변크기_2022
Time doesn’t flow_freezer, ice, wooden stand, suiban_variable size_2022

이창훈 작가는 시간과 공간 보이는 것과 보이지 않은 것에 대하여 탐구한다. 전시 작품인 <시간은 흐르지 않는다> 는 세 개의 냉동고 안에 얼려진 얼음이 보관되어 있는 작품이다. 작가가 여수의 물로 만든 얼음 수석 작품으로, 자연의 모습을 소유하고자 하는 인간의 욕망을 반영한다. 하지만 자연의 수석 형상을 한 얼음을 아무리 냉동고에 보관하더라도 전시의 시간이 흐름에 따라 얼음은 조금씩 녹아 작아지며 결국 언젠가는 사라진다.

Through his works, Lee, Changhoon explores time and space and the seen and unseen. His piece for the exhibition Time Doesn’t Flow consists of frozen ice stored in three freezers. His other work from 2020, Tail, which is said to be the origin of this artwork, involved an air collector that worked like a dehumidifier installed to collect the moisture in the exhibition space. The collected liquid was then frozen in the shape of mountains and landscapes and preserved in a freezer. These ice ornaments are a visual representation of the invisible moisture in the air. Also, the time taken to freeze the liquid is also fixed within the solid form of the ice. The artist’s process of visualizing the invisible moisture and time through ice signifies his efforts to capture the fleeting, invisible tail of time and space. Time Doesn’t Flow consists of mountain shaped ice made from the water in Yeosu, reflecting the human desire to control nature. However, no matter how long the ice in its natural form is preserved in the freezers, it will eventually melt little by little over the course of the exhibition and disappear.